After all of the work that goes into writing and researching thesis, students may be tired with the entire process by the time they need to edit. Unfortunately, this step in the process is one of the most important. Spelling or grammar errors can distract the reader from the quality of ideas in the thesis. Beyond using a basic spell-check program, students should use the following tips to make sure that their thesis is well edited.
Although it may feel like a return to middle school, reading the essay aloud is a vital proofreading technique. When students just read their essay, they will read what they intended to write instead of what is actually on the page. This might be an amazing feat of the mind, but it is also a disaster when it comes to editing. One of the ways to combat this problem is to read it aloud. Students will be able to hear what their eyes may have missed as they read.
Words like “very” are useless and should be avoided. Instead of saying someone was very tired, students should write exhausted. Rather than say someone was very happy, they should be exhilarated. Using the most precise terms and phrases will help the reader to understand exactly what the student means. Top writers know that the key to writing a good paper is in brevity. Students must say exactly what they need to in the shortest way possible.
Even with the most attentive editing, a student may still miss one of their mistakes. One of the easiest way to ensure the essay is perfect is to have someone else read it. Another pair of eyes will spot hidden mistakes and could find a flaw in the argument. Ideally, students should find a friend that is good at writing. The quality of editing will depend on the friend's knowledge of grammar, spelling and the English language.
After spending weeks, months or years writing a thesis, the student is probably sick of their entire paper. At this stage in the process, students should just set aside their essays for a few days. If there is enough time, a few weeks would be even better. During this time, the student should focus on other activities and let their mind rest. When this time period is up, students should take out a clean copy of their thesis paper and a red pen. With a fresh pair of eyes, they will be able to tackle editing the paper again.
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